Monday, December 16, 2013

WHAT'S A NOG? by Santa Kenny Colgin

Dear Stupid Ass Questions & Santa, I was wondering if there were any other types of Nog, or is there only Egg Nog? What is a nog anyway? Also, what do you think about making some Jello shooters with Egg Nog... we could call them Jellogs?

Size DOES matter so click picture to enlarge

Santa (Kenny): Ho, ho, ho, and what?! Oh my. Seems we have another escaped elf on our hands. "Hiccupp", get back to work!  Seriously buddy. You're beginning to bathe your day in this stuff. I'm being honest here. Get back to work!!!!!!!! Leave the "nog" on Big daddy's desk. (This is the new batch isn't it?) Uggghhhhh, right. Ain't it wonderful to be me?! It's a, "Wonderful life." (Jimmy Stewart was at one time an elf. He was real young though. Lost. Listlessly adrift off the bridge of life.) "Hiccupp", is the one who actually saved him.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Yes! and he was also a 6-foot rabbit. So, did Clarence ever drop, you know, on his windshield when he finally got his wings?