Saturday, August 8, 2015


Dear Stupid Ass Questions & DJ Paris, I got a parking ticket while driving a rental car. When I returned the car to the rental agent I gave her the ticket and told her that her car got a ticket. She got real mad and told me I’m an idiot and it was mine to pay. I just left it there and walked away. My question is, should I ever rent a car from them again if  they don’t pay their parking tickets?

Size DOES matter so click pic to enlarge

D.J. Paris, The real victim in this story is the dope at the return-car-area making $9 an hour who had to steam-clean your farts out of the cloth driver's seat. Also, the rental company will be nonplussed that you stuck them with a $200 fine for parking sideways in a handicapped space at Walgreens. For your own safety I would head to Alaska and start a new life working the traps on a fishing boat. You won't see your family ever again, but let's face it, they won't miss you.

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